Urban Affairs Review appoints Book Review Editor
Dr. Jill Gross (Hunter College)
The editors at UAR are thrilled to announce the recent appointment of Dr. Jill Simone Gross as Book Review Editor!
Dr. Gross is a Professor of Urban Policy and Planning at Hunter College (CUNY) and Director of the Graduate Program in Urban Policy and Leadership. She has served as President of the Urban and Local Politics section of the APSA 2019-2020, and Chair of the Urban Affairs Association 2017-2019. She specializes in comparative international urban governance, political participation and economic development. She was a European Union Fulbright-Schuman Scholar in 2012. She is the author/editor of three books including: New York (with Hank Savitch), and two edited volumes Constructing Metropolitan Space - Actors, Policies and Processes of Rescaling in World Metropolises (with co-editors Enrico Gualini and Lin Ye), and Governing Cities in a Global Era: Urban Innovation, Competition, and Democratic Reform (with co-editor Robin Hambleton). She has also authored numerous peer review articles and book chapters in the field of urban politics and policy exploring cities in North America, Europe and China.
The journal is eager to relaunch its book review program as a regular section of the journal. Please share new and upcoming titles with us at our dedicated email address, urbanaffairsbookreviews@gmail.com.
We welcome titles that address contemporary urban politics (domestic, global and comparative); urban public health policy; urban political history; urban planning texts that are oriented to a public policy or governance focus; urban governance in the Global South; and studies that examine core issues in urban studies, including (but not limited to) economic and community development, gentrification, race and racism, housing, transportation access, municipal finance, and more.